Smelling good always is a task. Believe me it's not easy to smell fresh all the time during your day at work or during your college hours and if your day involves travelling in public transport,then God bless you!! If you can't spare anytime in between then try some of these tips to make your fragrances last longer. 1. TAKE A BATH: Now this goes without saying that you need to wash that stank off. 2. WHAT TO USE IN THE SHOWER: There are two ways to go about it:: If you can afford, try having same kind of scents for all your products, which includes your body wash, moisturizer etc. So that you are building up on the same type of fragrance instead of using different types of scents which will not be very flattering OR you can use a normal unscented soap/ bodywash follow it up with an unscented /mildly scented moisturizer then use your favourite perfume. 3. DEODRANTS AND PERFUMES: Depending on how much you sweat or how long you are going to be out, decide whether or ...